Why You Should Get a Rosinbomb Rocket
Posted by CSR TEAM

If you've been paying any attention lately to the world of vaping, you'll know that concentrates are booming right now. They’re more potent and provide cleaner hits than regular dry herb, plus the effects last longer.
The audience enjoying oils and wax concentrates is expanding faster than ever. In response to this increased demand, the good people over at Rosinbomb have come out with the amazing new press device to give the average concentrate-enthusiast a chance at making their own concentrates.
To put it to you straight, Rosinbomb devices are absolute BEASTS. They make two devices, the OG M-50 Press, which is a much larger device closer to an industrial press, and the newest Rosinbomb Rocket Press – a smaller device for newbies and casual pressers alike, that still packs some serious heat and strength.
Read on to find out what makes the Rosinbomb Rocket so amazing, and why you should consider investing in a decent press.
Why should I make my own rosin?
The most obvious reason for purchasing a Rosinbomb press is that you're interested in making your own rosin. These are industrial standard presses so it’d certainly be the most logical reason.
While micro-breweries and artisanal crafting getting increasingly popular, DIY culture has now extended to the cannabis community. More people than ever before are growing their own plants and making their own concentrates.
If it’s so popular, what are the benefits of making my own rosin? Surely, I can just get it from a dispensary? That’s true, imagined-reader, you can. The problem is it's much harder to determine the quality of concentrates in comparison to dry herb. Making your own takes that element of the unknown out of the equation.
If you’ve grown your own dry herb, a trained eye can look at the color, texture and accurately assess its quality. However, with concentrates, its damn near impossible sometimes to assess the quality of the herb used to make it, which means you can get ripped off with lower quality material.
Once you get into it though, making your own concentrates is so much fun. This is probably the biggest reason you should take the plunge.
Check out: How to improve vapor Quality

Why do I need a press?
So now that we've established that you're fully on board with making your own rosin, the next step is choosing a great press.
A lot of people say that there's no need to splash out on a press, and that you can use household items like hair straighteners or irons. If you're serious about making your own rosin, using household items like these simply won't do.
There’s a few reasons for this, first of all, to make rosin you need an incredible amount of heat but also need a whole lot of pressure. Household devices like irons and hair straighteners only exert as much pressure are you are physically capable of – which isn't that much (sorry).
It probably goes without saying, but here we go saying it, a mechanical press can generate a greater amount of force than you can. No matter how much you put your back into it.
And as your mom/dad/teacher/patronizing older relative probably told you, if you're going to bother doing something you should do it right.
Why choose a Rosinbomb Rocket?
If you're just starting out in the world of creating your own concentrates, the Rosinbomb Rocket is a great entry point.

Why choose a Rosinbomb Rocket?
If you're just starting out in the world of creating your own concentrates, the Rosinbomb Rocket is a great entry point. At near six hundred dollars, it’s not cheap but it most certainly is worth every penny.
With the Rocket, Rosinbomb have taken the great quality and precise engineering of the M-50 and condensed it into a smaller package at a fraction of the price. While investing in a rosin press might have seemed way out of the average smoker's league in years gone by, the Rosinbomb Rocket gives everyone the ability to take rosin production into their own hands without risking the quality of their material.
The Rosinbomb Rocket is an amazing device for newcomers with virtually no learning curve at all. It's straightforward and user-friendly, easy to maintain, and packs a huge punch.
The Rosinbomb Rocket is capable of exerting over 1,500lbs of pressure on your material, which coupled with intense heat gets you the most concentrate out of your dry herb as possible.
How to use your Rocket
Another wonderful feature of The Rosinbomb Rocket is that it requires no assembly at all. Once you get it, simply take it out of the box and turn it on. Provided you have the necessary ingredients you’ll be making concentrates in no time at all.
After letting it heat up for 10 minutes, place up to 5 grams of your dry herb between some thick parchment paper and slide it in between the two metal plates, and press the plates together.
The plates of the press have been precisely engineered to convert THC crystals in your dry herb flower into dab-able hash through intense heat and pressure. Also be incredibly careful when handling material on the plates as it’s going to be really hot.
You can monitor your temperature with the handy LED monitor on your Rosinbomb Rocket, which is an important factor when pressing different strains of material.
It should only be a few minutes before you notice the tell-tale sticky rosin oozing out of your herb. After that bit allow your rosin to cool for a few minutes, and then it's good to go – your very own custom-made concentrates.
The Rosinbomb Rocket is easy to clean and maintain, simply wipe down the plates with some isopropyl alcohol and it's good as new.