Snoop Dogg Pounds - The King of Kush is Back?
Posted by ADRIAN V

Snoop Dogg Pounds -
The King of Kush is Back?
These Battleships Will Sink You
Pounds is the newest accessories that Snoop Dogg has put his name to. If your unfamiliar with Snoop Dogg, how are you here? He's a rapper from California who made it huge in the music scene in the early nineties after having multiple no.1 hits of his debut album but he's come along since then.
He went from rapper to a TV star to a movie star and now he's in the bong business.
So now he's come out with a collection of five very distinct hand blown glass pipes and you know your getting top quality products when you see Snoop Dogg's name on the box.
It's a wonder that it took Snoop Dogg so long to get his own brand of pipes and bongs but it wont be long until Snoop Dogg Pounds are a staple for bongs and pipes.
When it comes to the herb whether it be legal herb, blunt wraps, pipes, bongs or any other sort of accessory you can be certain that when Snoop Dogg's the face of it, it will sell very well as his persona has become intertwined with the herb culture.
He even has his own brand of i-phone cases that are lighters as well. It seems the Snoop Dogg has his finger on the pulse when it comes to these types of products as time and time again he's been able to come out with some accessory that sells a whole lot and makes him a whole bunch of money.

You wouldn't have to have been a huge Snoop Dogg fan then to see this one coming as he teased the creation of this line while DJing the BIG Show afterparty while it was officially announced of the 20th January 2017.
Everybody knows that Snoop Dogg is cool, right? So it should come as no surprise that the glass pipes that are branded for him are also extremely cool.
The feel and look of each pipe is incredible and the uniqueness of each of them shows that Snoop Dogg is serious about the quality of the products that he allows his brand to be involved in.
The range of colors and design of pipes would tempt just about anybody into buying it.
Each pipe comes it a white box with its specific color on it which shows that its pretty high end glass your receiving.
On the front of the box there is a fist design which is designed differently depending on which pipe you have.
He said that the pipes core inspiration is ships which makes a lot of sense when you see that the names of the hand blown glass pipes are Battleship, Mothership, Starship, Spaceship and the most appropriately named Rocketship.
Snoop Dogg Pounds - The Battleship
The Battleship is a 12.5" waterpipe with turbine and honeycomb percolators for essential oils and concentrates.
The Battleship is the second largest of all the pipes and has a thick rim around the top of it so that it becomes a lot easier to get the suction that you need to get the hits that you want.
At the bottom of the pipe is a cylindrical pipe going around and around. This cools the harsh smoke into a much more easier to hit.
The fist on the front of this box has a red and orange jellyfish swimming in the deep blue sea behind it.
The Battleship can be bought in four different colors including red,black,white and clear. Why not get one in each color?
Snoop Dogg Pounds - The Mothership

The Mothership ,which is also the biggest of the five pipes, is a 13" waterpipe with barrel and dome percolators, to only be used with legal herbs.
The Mothership waterpipe allows for smooth hits which minimizes the harshness of the pull so that your not coughing one of your lungs up.
This is because of its barrel and dome percolators. The glass bends at an angel at the top of the pipe and its the biggest of all the pipes so the smoke will be cooler and easier to take.
The Mothership comes in a range of colors like black,white,blue and clear. The design on the fist on the front of this box is the crashing of a sea wave.
Chances are that the Mothership will be the most popular of all the pipes in Snoops new collection.
Snoop Dogg Pounds - The Spaceship
The Spaceship is a 6" waterpipe with ruffled percolator,which breaks down the smoke particles which makes it smoother to inhale, for essential oils and concentrates.
The Spaceship is a rig that could be put onto another pipe if you choose to be so bold. Its mainly used for oils rather than your herb.
The fist on the front of the Spaceship's box design is that of the top of a palm tree. There are four colors that the Spaceship is available in and they are green,black,white and clear.
Snoop Dogg Pounds - The Rocketship

The Rocketship is the middle of the road sized pipe at 11.5". Its a classic waterpipe with diffused downstem for legal herbs.
The Rocketship seems to be the most recognizable style of pipe among the collection.
Its a simple cylinder, a lot like the Starship, with a sloped in lip at the top. This allows you to completely cover the hole for the perfect suction while your burning your herb.
The bowl sticks slightly out of the side and just far away from the top some there's no chance of burning yourself while sparking your herb.
You can get your Rocketship in either orange,black,white or clear. The design of the fist on the Rocketship's box is that of a rocket taking of from below which is something you might feel like if you chose this pipe.
Snoop Dogg Pounds- The Starship

The Starship, while similarly named and of similar size and look to the Spaceship, is a standalone waterpipe and is perfect if you ever wanted to take one of the collections on the go as its incredible small stature allows it to slip inside your pocket or handbag.
Just make sure its empty before you do so! The design on the fist on the front of the box is a starry night sky, entwining the dark blue and purple sky with numerous stars and clouds which is really appropriate.
The colors that your able to receive your Starship pipe in are purple,white,black and clear.
Snoop Dogg Culture
This culture,the herb culture, is an ever expanding market. Snoop Dogg said he was inspired to create Snoop Dogg Pounds after the success the of his other herbal products, Leafs by Snoop which has taken off in Canada and Colorado where smoking herb is legal.
Pounds is a nod to LBS which is shorthand for Leafs by Snoop and pounds, get it? Pretty smart. Leafs by Snoop was mostly blunt wrappers and legal herb, varying in all different types of flavors, from dark chocolate to peaches and cream but its clear that Snoop Dogg's newest venture into herbal accessories is sure to be a success and we are expecting these ships to be sailing off the virtual shelves so don't wait around.
Snoop Dogg Pounds is also a throwback to his Death Row Record' Tha Dogg Pound, which was a no.1 hit when it came out, and as usual if Snoop Dogg is the one promoting a product you can bet that you will get your moneys worth or your herbs worth if you will.
Whether it be your essential oils and or your legal herb you can ensure that purchasing this collection of finely crafted glass pipes will be something you wont ever regret.
More To Come From Snoop Dogg Pounds?
You can also expect other accessories to be roll out in the coming year as more and more states and countries continue to legalize the herb and allow these pipes to become more accessible to the mainstream person and the wider the net the more fish you catch.
There's a huge American and global market involving herbal accessories and you know it will continue to grow and thrive in all areas and this is the reason Snoop Dogg, along with many others, are trying to capitalize on this growing trend.
Snoop Dogg Pounds is taking advantage of a growing market and a A-list celebrity combining with these products creates a wonderful combination of top quality branded pipes.
We seen a number of high ranking celebrities now come out and start promoting their own herbal accessories products. One the main ones would be Wiz Khalifa, who along with Snoop Dogg have a tight hold the herbal culture in America.
Wiz Khalifa now has a deal with Rawthentic. They sell a range of items which are customized towards Wiz Khalifa fan's.
This means you can get your own Wiz Khalifa king-sized skins with tips. Also they also branded a rolling tray to help you roll and keep your ingredients together.
As well as that there's also a natural unrefined blunt cone for those who find rolling a chore.
Its a cone you can just pour your herb into. I wouldn't be surprised to see Snoop Dogg Pounds evolve into a whole range of different accessories.
He has already made an absolute fortune selling his own cheap vaporizer called Snoop Dogg G vaporizers,some of which were disposable, so I'm sure that Snoop Dogg will be eager to continue his role in bringing these types of products to the world.
So be sure to be on the look out for more Snoop branded products in the future as this market will soon explode!
So what products will Snoop Dogg be coming out with next? Who knows but whatever it is i'm sure the quality of it will be outstanding.
Wholesale orders are available currently so be quick about it as stocks wont last forever knowing who popular Snoop Dogg is globally and you'll be kicking yourself if you missed out on the opportunity to get your hands on one of Snoop Dogg Pounds.
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